Who Benefits from Couples Therapy?
Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa Fl. & Brandon Fl. see two kinds of relationships in couples therapy. Many come in because of dissatisfaction. But a second group are very healthy, but are hoping to enhance existing strengths or work on a few minor issues to have an incredible relationship.
Couples in Tampa Fl. & Brandon Fl. face the same issues as those living elsewhere. With that said, the pace and demands of Tampa Bay often seem to exacerbate some relationship issues. The number of people in Tampa Bay add stress, temptation for infidelity, and challenge some to realize the one they are with is right, regardless of endless other possibilities. Here are some common issues and problems we see in couples therapy:
Angry and resentful partner
Depressed partner
Anxious partner
Constant arguments and fighting
Low sex or no sex
Waning chemistry
Loss of trust
Poor communication
Emotionally cold or disconnected partner
Inability to commit
Constant blame
Inability to forgive
Discrepancies in values, interests, and lifestyles