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Grief/Loss Counseling Through These Trying Times

Sam DiFranco

The curent state of affairs makes mental health professionals just as needed as our counterparts in the helping professions at this time. There is so much uncertainty that comes with dealing with society today. This unprecedented issue society is facing globally gives us all an experience that many of us haven’t faced before. It also gives us something in common. Many people are losing emplyment, or loved ones in the wake of all this. In relation to grief and loss this applies as the process of adapting to a significant loss that can vary dramatically from one person to another. It often depends on a person’s background, beliefs, and relationship to what was lost. What comes next is how to cope. The five stages of grief are listed as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Through these difficult times that comes with the rollercoaster of emotion it wouldn’t be uncommon to go through these stages in intervals, more than once, or in any given order. It may put a strain on your marriage or family as well. This is what makes marriage therapy, couples counseling, individual sessions, and family therapy essential in helping to build the tools to cope and make it through all this. You’re not alone and there is help through this.

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