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  • Sam DiFranco

The Perfect Gift

Gift giving has become more of an art form in the recent years. People have the added stress of trying to find the most meaningful, most useful, coolest, most unique gifts for the ones that they love. Some find it fun, while others find it extremely stressful. Either way, gift giving has become, for some, a very competitive sport. But this type of thinking would assume that gift giving is all about the giver, not the receiver that the gift was intended for.

So how do you avoid competing with the “Jones’s” of gift giving. Here are some tips that might help you keep gifts centered around the receiver.

1. The cost of the gift doesn’t necessarily identify the value of the gift- different people attach different meanings to gifts. While one person appreciates a nice picture book of memories, the next person might look forward to something he needs but may never purchase for himself.

2. Know your receiver- Just as mentioned in #1, people have different ideas of what gifts mean. Many people do like the stereotypical gifts such as diamonds for women, or watches for men. However, that can get monotonous and not to mention, expensive. Really listening to someone and learning who she is can give you a great idea of what types of gifts a person appreciates.

3. Try to be more objective- this is a big one. When giving gifts many people are looking for that positive reinforcement, the big hug and a huge thank you from the receiver. But, you are not always going to hit the nail on the head with every gift. Try to release some personal responsibility from gift giving, and know that your intent was good. If someone doesnt like the gift you provided, that’s not your doing. Everyone has a right to personal preference.

We hope you find these tips helpful to reduce some stress associated with gift giving. For more tips on eliminating some of your personal stress, check out our website at Or, see our parent company at

Happy Holidays!

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