Everyone experiences sadness from time to time. But if your sadness doesn’t go away or normal functioning is diminished, you may be depressed. Depression affects 6.7% of American adults each year and has the potential to contribute to mild to severe life difficulties. This mood disorder can drain the joy from your life and become debilitating. Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, offers convenient and affordable online depression counseling in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL.
Features often associated with depression include an overwhelming feeling of isolation, despair, and sadness. When depression is left untreated, it can become a chronic condition. So if you’re experiencing depression, you may need depression therapy to get it under control. Online depression counseling in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, can help you establish healthy lifestyle changes, positive thought patterns, and constructive behaviors that promote feelings of hope and confidence.
Symptoms of Depression
Depression can cause significant distress and/or impairment in many areas of life, including family, social, academic, and occupational. It can feel like an inescapable dark cloud of gloom. But not everyone experiences all of the symptoms of depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL. So if you’re experiencing a couple or more of the following symptoms, you may be depressed:
Sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness
Diminished pleasure or interest in activities you once enjoyed
Fatigue or loss of energy
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
Difficulties concentrating
Eating or sleeping more or less than usual
Unexplained aches, pains, or digestive problems
Suicidal ideation or attempts
If you think you may be depressed, even the most severe cases typically respond well to depression therapy. If your symptoms have become unmanageable, Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, is here to help you overcome or manage your symptoms with online depression counseling in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL. Depression therapy can help you conquer this condition and reclaim your life!
Types of Depression
Depression comes in multiple forms. Although the symptoms of various types of depression are similar, there are distinctions based on the cause, severity, frequency, and longevity of the depression. If you have a diagnosis of one form of depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, you may be at increased risk for other types as well. The most common types of depression include:
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
Persistent depressive disorder
Postpartum depression
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Atypical depression
Causes of Depression
Depression has numerous causes. If you have a family history of depression, you may be at increased risk. Regardless of genetic predisposition, many factors can contribute to depression in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL. If you’re experiencing or have experienced any of the following, you may be at increased risk:
victim of verbal, emotional, or physical abuse
conflict with family, friends, or coworkers
the loss or death of a loved one
a serious illness
caring for someone with a serious illness
social isolation
a major life event such as job change, divorce, relocation, or retirement
substance abuse
Depression treatment depends on the type and severity of your problem. There are many options for depression therapy. Medication is one, which is best discussed with your primary care physician.
For many people, weekly (sometimes monthly) sessions with an experienced depression therapist at Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, is a highly effective form of depression treatment. Virtual depression counseling At Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, can help you uncover the root causes of your depression. Understanding and addressing those causes through therapy may be a crucial step toward recovery.
At Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, one of the many options we offer our clients is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This is an evidence-base treatment that can help you turn negative thought patterns into positive ones. Your depression therapist in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, will also help you identify lifestyle changes to help relieve your symptoms. We’ll encourage you to develop a social support network and identify ways to reduce your stress, as well, which can help improve your mood.
Affordable Counseling Center, virtual depression counseling in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, can move you along the path toward recovery and bring the joy back into your life.