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What is a couples counseling session like At Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa Fl, and Brandon F

Sam DiFranco

Sessions typically last 50 to 60 minutes.

Often, the couple meets together with the therapist in Tampa Fl, and Brandon Fl, but sometimes couples counseling is done individually.

Therapists at Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa Fl, and Brandon Fl, take different approaches, either working with a couple on current issues or working backward from where those issues began, he said.

A couple typically gets a formal assessment before starting counseling and then a treatment plan they agree on. It may dictate, to some degree.

What we’re getting around to is trying to more generally figure out how to resolve differences so that they can apply this not just to the issue of the day but to all the issues.

While communication has long been considered critical to a relationship, having a strong emotional bond is really what can help a couple succeed.

Couples need to form, maintain, grow and — when damaged — repair that emotional bond.


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