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What will my partner and I learn during our relationship therapy at Affordable Counseling Center in

Sam DiFranco
  1. See your marriage with new eyes, observe how your own patterns are leading to either discontent or harmony.

  2. Deal constructively with tough topics and awkward situations to strengthen your relationship.

  3. Explore the sacrifices and rewards of the relationship, then decide on your goals and dreams for its future.

  4. Use conflict to reconcile your differences and grow in your relationship.

  5. Know the warning signs of interactions that undermine your marriage.

  6. Nurture your relationship during times of transition.

  7. Manage the end of a relationship, identify gratitude, and practice self-care during this life change.

  8. Realize how your personal history and private thoughts are affecting the relationship.

  9. Identify how your body and thoughts are responding to stress in the relationship.

  10. Facilitate laughter and validation with your partner.

Will I learn what NOT to do in my relationship at Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL?

You will explore Dr. John Gottman’s “Four Horsemen of the Relationship Apocalypse” and identify how these may be affecting your relationship:

  1. Criticism: Attacking your partner’s personality or character, usually with them intent of making someone right or wrong. Using generalizations such as “you always…” “your never…” “why are you so…”

  2. Contempt: Attacking your partner’s sense of self with the intention to insult or psychologically abuse him or her. These attacks may include insults, name calling, hostile humor, sarcasm, mockery, or negative body language and tone of voice, such as sneering, rolling your eyes, curling your upper lip.

  3. Defensiveness: Seeing yourself as the victim, warding off a perceived attack. May involve any of the following:

  4. Making excuses – “It’s not my fault…”

  5. Cross-complaining – meeting your partner’s complaint or criticism with a complaint of your own, ignoring what your partner said.

  6. Disagreeing, then cross – complaining – “That’s not true, you’re the one who…”

  7. Yes-butting – starting off agreeing, then ending up disagreeing

  8. Repeating yourself without paying attention to what the other person is saying

  9. Whining – “It’s not fair.”

  10. Stonewalling: Withdrawing from the relationship as a way to avoid conflict. Partners may think they are trying to be “neutral,” but stonewalling conveys disapproval, icy distance, separation, disconnection, or smugness. This may involve stony silence, monosyllabic mutterings, changing the subject, or removing yourself physically.

What is the most important factor in a healthy relationship at Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL?

The characteristics of a mature, fulfilling relationship in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, include: fostering individual expression, respect, mutual aspirations, caring, and flexibility.

One quality that is central to a nurturing relationship is “caring.” Caring is the ability to pay attention to the other; the investment of personal energy that is devoted to the other. It requires the ability to be comfortable in one’s own skin and settled in one’s own spot. Such capacity will allow being in the presence of the other without burdening the relationship in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL, with unnecessary needs and wants.

At Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, and Brandon FL , you can begin to foster these important characteristics in your own relationship, as therapy can be a catalyst for your relationship to undergo positive change from within.


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